Analyze LogicTec

  • Full-time employees

    Analyze Logic Tec  provides top consulting talent quickly and at no additional cost.

  • Temp-to- perm hires

    We provide the best possible talent for your full- time hiring needs without leaving your pockets empty.

  • Freelancers

    You need to fill a role but before that you want to be doubly sure that it’s the right fit.

About Us

Know Our Story And How We Work.

Contingent and permanent recruitment workforce solutions. We provide the agility businesses need with a continuum of staffing solutions. By leveraging our trusted brands, we have built a deeper talent pool to provide our clients access to the people they need, faster. We effectively assess and develop skills, keeping our associates ahead of the curve, so they can get the jobs done each time, every time.

Post Your Requirement

Current Opening

Designation: BPO
Experience: 2 Years
Location: UP
Designation: BPO
Experience: 2 Years
Location: Kolkata

Designation: BPO
Experience: 2 Years
Location:  Noida

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